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Oh hell naw: Minivan love in bloom

Through one of the blogs I write for, I was approached to test drive a brand spankin' new car for a week. Sure, it's a minivan, which I ardently resist in my quest to be just a tad bit hipper or sassier or something than they convey in my over-analysis and my prideful aesthetics that easily conquer mommy pragmatism. But when they surveyed me thoroughly on my work, opinions and weekly activities and then swiftly approving all that, invited me to roll a fully-loaded 2008 Dodge Caravan during a week I'm displaced from my home and normal routine, I was actually excited. They had me at "We think you are one of just 50 socially and professionally influential women in Chicago."
My next and clearly logical thought was about my shoes.

The cherry red wonder was dropped off this morning by two very polite young men who thoroughly explained every feature -- from the tailgate camera to the satellite radio to the two DVD players with wireless headphones to the remote start and swivel seats...the list goes so far that I kept saying "sweet!" like I am a 14-year old at her first Dave Matthews show at Soldier Field. This bad grrrl is amazing.

But my fear? My fear is that I will love it too much, get too used to voice-activated Justin Timberlake while my son's car sickness is usurped by Big Machines playing down the Kennedy. Or that I will redefine my MILFness (stop laughing) to include dual sliding doors to my mobile palace (kidding, kidding).

Perhaps the sweetest part of all is that Lil E and I have this ride for a whole week, that I'm not dependent on Bruce or my parents for a car or a lift, and that the only person I need to help me get us where we want to go is the nice lady with the smoky, calm voice who lives inside the GPS.  I think we're all going to get along just fine over the next seven days, even if she presumes I'm all about soccer practice, vacuum sealing and sensible shoes.

Now, how would this minivan go with my pink snakeskin boots? Or might I need to invest in a more appropriate pair?

Cross-posted at Chicago Moms Blog.

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Reader Comments (5)

i know its wrong but that mini van makes me happier than the pink snakeskin boots.
November 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzoe
I heart my minivan. I like to think it's because I am above caring about anyone who would base their opinion of me on my ride, but the sad truth is...I'm a soccer (and golf, and girl scouts, and Hebrew school, and PTA, and...) mom. That's just the way it is.
November 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTC
Yes, Jessica, I understand...also a MILF myself, it seems to me that there's something about the minivan moms in the pickup line at school that seems to advertise that they spend ALL their time baking cookies and cleaning floors with their trusty swiffer vac (stuff I know NOTHING about) However, the thought of voice activated JT--I might have to stop into the Dodge dealership on my way home from Nutcracker, I mean the mall. Have fun!!!
November 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
I want to hear more about it!

We almost bought a Grand Caravan this weekend, but went with the Kia Sedona instead. Mmmmmm, yummy. It drives so sweet I don't even realize I'm toting a minivan and kids behind.

So ... keep us posted!
November 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWhyMommy
I don't think the Caravan will compromise your MILFness at all, haha. It's an awesome ride, and has all those great features too. How did you end up liking it?
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAH

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