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This is what happens when you are the mother of a son

DSCN0887 You start loving things like this

and get all caught up reading this and get completely fascinated by this

and being on the lookout for stuff like this, and this and maybe even this

join in the "AWWWWWESOME!" chorus when you find things like this,

will try desperately to find bins and tubs and cute ways to contain all this business,

consider actually spending your income on crap like this,

will try to figure out how to DIY things like this out of 47 of these,

will start getting sort of uncomfortably unfamiliar with things like this (but not that, I would totally still play that)

and will get a big old geeky kick out things like this.

You start referencing this and this and these and those. Often. Too often. It scares your grrrlfriends. Especially the ones without children. Also the ones with little grrrls, because they may end up going to prom with your son and you will be the wackadoodle mom snapping photos while jabbering on about Darth Maul's two-bladed lightsaber out of nervousness that someone's going to lose something other than a rose-and-baby's breath corsage in the back seat of your Honda CR-V.

And you will love it. Love it love it love it.

And really, only because you love him. Love him love him love him.

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Reader Comments (9)

I love my boy too -- it's amazing how they change us!
May 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren
Someone gave my son a huge dinosaur encyclopedia when he was about five. It took us about three months to slog through it, one dinosaur at a time, after his baby sister was asleep. We'd climb into our two person lounge chair (our "thinking chair") and read about one or two dinos each night. We called it "having a dinosaur cuddle."
May 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfeefifoto
Exactly! This is exactly spot on, & I'm saving some of those links to reference later. Thanks!

I seriously loved thinkgeek before having my son but even more now that I have my son to get all excited over the stuff.
May 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer
I don't have a kid, but I do reference the talk like a pirate site more than I should...
May 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercat/bad kitty
Boys Rule this household!
May 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter2Jamama
This, BadKitty, is reason #847 why I adore you.
I just sent a couple of those links home. The LEGO a day photo blog/journal/thingie is brilliant!!
May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMat
we have two parties a year at my house:

Ground Hog Day and Nat'l Talk Like a Pirate Day.

ARRRGH, shiver me timbers.
May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMizFit
No joke. Three years ago, I never would have screamed loudly when passing a backhoe on the road.
May 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterselfmademom

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