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Lil E Explains: "Life" and times in utero

Mommy, when I was in your tummy, one time I just floated up up up into your mouth.

Then...(leaning in close to my face with a loud whisper, wide eyes and words chosen with preschool precision)...I touched your...SALIVA!

And I said, "EW! Spit is disgusting!"

Then I wiped off my hand so I was all dry and I floated back down to your tummy again.

I liked to drink a lot in there. (Opening his mouth, sticking out his tongue and looking to the sky as if he is waiting for a mouthful of rain). I just drank and drank.

And I also did tricks in there! Like flip arooooooound. Oh, and wiiiiigle my booty. I would, like, stand up and run like this (running in place, also with mouth open and tongue out).

I just came out, though. I didn't like it much in there. But...I was just little then!

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Reader Comments (1)

What an imagination? And how hilarious! I can't wait until Benjamin starts telling me little stories... until then I love reading yours.
September 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMs. Single Mama

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