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NaBloPoMo Post #21

...and I still have not figured out how to attach the freaking badge to my blog. Can someone please open up the secret hatch on my cracktop screen and let the graphics fairies in to do their busy work so I can just be done with the little line in my sidebar where the funny badge should be?

And then can you ask them to leave me a kindly-worded letter explaining how the hell a woman with a hard-earned master's degree can be a kindergartner when it comes to this stuff? Seriously, write it up with jumbo crayons like I'm looping bunny ears through each other to make a pretty bow. Then we can all sit in a circle with our hands on our hearts with courtesy smiles and lips sticky with apple juice and say, "Oooh, she IS smart!"

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Beautiful,

Add a typelist. Use the Links type. In the configure tab, check the box that says "show notes as text." Put the nablopomo code in the notes box. Voila!
November 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterfoodmomiac
i'm so with ya.
November 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzoe

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