Linkety Dinkety Doo: On (or around) my nightstand right now
Slowly, slowly the post-partum spell is fading* and I am beginning to have enough focus to write more than a blog post, enough attention span to read more than a magazine article. Here are the books that are helping me (or will help me) make my way back to thinking beyond toilet training readiness quizzes:
The Glass Castle: A Memoir (Jeannette Walls) - For a book club I swear I'm going to go to prepared. Honest. I do have until January, people.
The Motherhood Manifesto: What American Moms Want and What To Do About It (Joan Blades & Krstin Rowe-Finkbeiner) - Not sure if this is going to rile me up and get me going or just totally piss me off at the current administration and misogynists. Stay tuned for a rant or rec.
On Becoming Love, Work and Life (Arianna Huffington) - A quick read, which is key (in my opinion) for any non-fiction book, post-partum or otherwise.
Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (Julia Cameron) - This book has been in my library for eight months, shelved under "More attempts at Zen-like living and anxiety reduction."
...and the inevitable stack of parenting books and mags:
Between Parent and Child (Dr. Haim G. Ginott) - I keep coming back to this classic advice, even if I have to skim over the contrived scenes and hypothetical conversations with moms and kids named Tracy.
1-2-3 Magic (Thomas W. Phelan) - Some very good strategies laced with more cheesey examples of parent-child screaming fits.
Parents - This is required reading, right? Right?
Parenting - Is it me or is this mag actually becoming tolerable?
Wonder Time - This is a
sweet magazine with good interviews and lovely photos, and is less "ad
afer ad after special advertising article" than other (ah-American
Baby-em) magazines.
Cookie - The Hustler of the parenting genre: I sort of completely ignore the photo spreads of ungodly expensive Italian leather kiddie boots and skip right to the rich articles and sex advice column.
Share the love, my friends. I need your reading recs!
* Who knew it lasts two years???
Photo credit: Time for bed by Sanja Gjenero /
Reader Comments (4)
I had vowed that I would limit the magazines and fiction until I finished my current class. I'm reading Building School and Community Partnerships through Parent Involvement....interested but it can only go so far.
I broke above stated rule and read my first Nora Roberts, actualy my first three. The new Key, fast and brainless!!
My Christmas list is a little heavier, but I'm anxious to dig into them:Reviving Ophelia, Our Bodies, ourselves: new edition, Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mulilation
I just have to finish my darn class and then my evenings will be back to unchartered reading!!!
Cheers! (Found you through the Randomizer, BTW).