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Something humbling and lovely

Yesterday, someone Google searched the phrase

do helmet laws infringe on personal freedom of choice

and found 74,800 responses.

My post was number one on the list.

I took a deep breath in and felt grateful to see that. In other combinations of terms, my post is further down list. I am good with that and mostly pleased to see the pool of responses widening out beyond the conservative publications and big newspapers. Whoever searched this term was asking an important question and honestly, in a wave-my-hand-at-the-person-with-the-microphone-way, it feels gratifying to be one of the respondents.

When I chose to write about my brother's motorcycle accident and then was asked to cross-post it on another site, it was one part cathartic and one part goodwill. I talked to my brother about it and we decided it was important to put the story out there for many reasons, one of them to connect to kids writing paper, parents grieving, people on all sides of the controversy. Every single day, someone finds Sassafrass and that story from a search like this, and that tells me we were right to put my words on the screen.

There's a lot more to be written. If you or a loved one has experienced a brain injury, I hope you will leave a comment or share whatever you are comfortable sharing. If you found us from one of these searches, please feel free to speak up too.

Of course, one of the beauties of blogs is the ability to lurk quietly from behind your own computer. But know that the welcome mat is out to all of you wanting to read more about motorcyle helmet lobbying, traumatic brain injuries, the life that can follow or even just one family's trip from roadside through rehabilitation and beyond.

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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you for adding your voice!
February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterS

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