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Project: Life Change. Get in on this action!

Cross-posted on CityMama,  Chicago Moms Blog and Silicon Valley Moms Blog.

Calling all "mama friends," especially those of you who do the work-life juggle every day.

Are you tired? Stressed out? Grouchy? Feeling like you are working
to much? Missing out on watching your kids grow up? Too busy to
participate in the fun parts of family life? Avoiding the pile of
laundry in the corner of your bedroom?  Neglecting yourself? Not making
time or money for the little luxuries? Feeling isolated from your
partner? Overwhelmed with school calendars, activities, and homework?
Longing for more time in your day? Feeling out of control and powerless
to make a change?

We're Jessica of Sassafrass and Stefania of CityMama
and right there with you. And, as much as we love to bitch about how
frustrated we are with our current life sitches to anyone who will
listen (and you know we can bitch like it's our JOB), we've decided to do something about it.

In talking with each other about our own frenetic lives, we've realized
that many of our mama friends are also overwhelmed with balancing work
and family life, and are ready to let those juggling balls and spinning
plates drop already. We've decided to make some changes in our own
lives, and now we want to support any one else who is ready to do the

Recently we both took a look at our busy lives and decided to make one change each that had a tremendously positive impact. Here's what I did
and here's what Stefania did. And we're here to tell you: life is not about juggling it's about making choices that work for you and your family.

Mamas, friends: now's the time to begin your
Project: Life Change.  We're here to help.

First, take a deep breath. Then think about the changes you'd like to make to have more breathing room in your own life.

Hire a babysitter for a date night or girl's night out (or set up a
regular swap with friends); quit that crap job like we did! (wait until you find another if you like); turn down
that volunteer project; join a cooking or exercise class (get in the tub with a glass of
wine and the park and rec catalog and actually LOOK AT IT instead of
recycling it immediately); get a massage; find a therapist and work on
those issues, girl; set your alarm clock for a half hour earlier and go for a
walk in peace without having to push a stroller; ask your partner to
take over lunch box duty 2 days a week...

Anything goes, but whatever you do, post about it! We want to know who is in this with us.

  1. Write about your Project: Life Change on your personal blog and
    link back to us (either on Sassafrass or CityMama) or leave a link to
    your post in the comments. Your post doesn't have to have answers. Just
    a simple "this isn't working anymore and I'm not sure what to do about it"
    is enough.  We all started somewhere. We're finding that this is an
    on-going process and we hope to continue writing about our progress and that you will, too.
  2. Help yourself to our pretty, pink Project: Life Change button (thanks, Karen!),
    and let everyone who reads your blog know that you are in the middle of
    working on a big life project so that they will be extra kind to you
    and send you words of encouragement, drinks on Facebook, or chocolate.
    You can put the button in your posts on on your side bar.
  3. Important: Tag your posts "Project Life Change" so we can find you!
  4. Check back in with us as we provide food for thought, support, and inspiration by sharing your posts on our sites.


Take the Project: Life Change challenge! Let's help one another. Tell your friends.
Start a conversation. Blog it out. Let us know you are out there and
together we'll build a big ole hippy-patchouli-stank circle of love and support.

In order to further inspire you, we will give you free stuff! We're
here for you. We'll read your posts and link love all over them. We'll
have fun giveaways! (and not just half-used bottled of nail polish, lipstick colors that don't work for us, or shoes that were an impulse-buy
at Payless.)

Join us as we strive to make simple, small, and significant choices to find balance in our work and family lives.

We wish you the best of luck with your own
Project: Life Change!

Peace to you,

Jessica and Stefania

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Reader Comments (4)

This is enough to get my butt back onto my blog on a regular basis. I need some changes in a big way.
September 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDunn Bryant
I just posted my Project Life Change amibitions on my blog -- It was hard to pick a couple of things, but these two are top of mind today. I hope this goes crazy! It's a great idea.

October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShari Schmidt
Great Idea... I was feeling all of the above. I want to work on this...Keep in touch...
October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNicole
I'm joining this! It sounds like a great idea.
October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSummerM

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